Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jumper 2

Jumper was made for a sequel; so with not the least bit of surprise I announce the news from an interview collider had with the director. Thanks to moviesonline for the hookup:

The concept for Jumper 2 is definitely a stretch. So much a stretch it feels the director is just hashing ideas more then talking about what the sequel is all about. Collider had an exclusive sit down with the director where he talked about the sequel and spilled the following;

“I actually have a ton of ideas for the sequel because this is whole new arena for me and so my mind was in overdrive the whole time and most of the ideas I came up with we either could tease or just save it for a sequel and so it’s…this power can be used to leave this planet, this power can be used ultimately to go back in time, this power can be used if you go and work for the government you’d be the ultimate Jason Bourne.”

So the sequel hasn’ t been written. but it has been announced, this does not seem like a good sign to me. The first installment was very frustrating, I enjoyed the use of the power and the camaraderie between the two jumpers, but their was not enough background info, the twists were lame and the story overall was a “boy chases girl” pile of bullshit. The above ideas that director throws around sound like the result of a killer hash session (we have all been there).

If they didn’t introduce so many lame tie ins from the first film i may have given the sequel a chance. As it stands right now, I have about the same desire to see Hayden Christensen in jumper 2 as I would Star Wars 7. I wish this franchise would teleport far away from earth, forever.


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