Here he comes. Here comes Speed Racer. He's a demon on wheels! Good lord, I'm hooked, and I have to admit -- Speed Racer didn't really appeal to me until I saw the trailers. In case the last incarnation wasn't enough to whet your speed racing appetites, two new international trailers have hit the net.
Above, you get more of the usual -- color-infused, wild-arse racing -- one that at least briefly gives me flashbacks to Grease. (Speed Racer fans, I ask you -- which came first -- tire slashers in Speed Racer, or Grease?) That's the trailer you can check out above. After the jump, you can check out the second version. It might seem the same at first, but stick with it. Along with more dialog, you can check out Christina Ricci's pixie-bobbed Trixie. And, most importantly -- Matthew Fox's Racer X.